Have you ever had an ill feeling to some one??? Maybe you have or you haven’t… basically no body really wants to have such a feeling, but for some reasons sometimes it just happens. That kind of feeling might happen against our friends, our boss, our relatives, even our families.
What actually make us have an ill feeling to somebody??? The causes may vary, from the way someone speaks, laughs, dresses, treats us, from someone’s characters such as too snobbish or arrogant, too confident, too humble or modest, too fussy, from someone’s look or physics such as ugly, scary, beggy, too short/tall, bad hairstyle, smelly, etc. those things I just mentioned are the most common and because of that we are not comfortable being with that someone we have an ill feeling with. Now the question is…do you think it’s normal as human beings to have an ill feeling???? Sure you’ve ever heard these phrases “ Muka siy cakep eh pas dia ngomong bikin ill feel tau gak” “Ill feel neh gw ngeliat tampang dia, cabut yuk”
Ok…we know sometimes just small things can make us have ill feeling to somebody. So…how to avoid us from having such a feeling?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Past and Friendship

We often question what friendhip really is??? We as human beings may have ever experinced difficult times in our life….maybe it’s only small problems or big problems even. How we get over the problems, it all depends on how we handle it.
Everytime the proplem comes to us we are also given the choices, to face it or to run away. which would you choose??? to run away or to face it??? some people will choose to run away for some reasons, that means we’re avoiding to be responsible, we’re hiding from the reality. But for sure there are people who dare enough to choose to face it and be responsible. being responsible does not necessarily mean admiting something that we didn’t do, but more to standing up for our right and sticking with the firm life principles. Trust me Evil will never conquer the good.
A few years ago was really the hardest time I have ever had in my life. The experience that taught me a lot about life and what friendhip really is. the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" truly reflected the experince I had, maybe I couldn’t put all the blame to those who were not on my side & backing me up as they were probably too scared or too weak or too tricky rather. yup…I couldn’t put the blame on them for not being brave, for not being gentle, for not being united, for not being as I expected. too many disappointments caused because we expect too much on things. but for those who were uncompromisingly supporting and backing me up, MY SINCERE GRATITUDE & HIGHEST APPRECIATION should go to them, I couldn’t have surived without them, I couldn’t have gone through the path.They indeed made me strong, they indeed made me as I am now. It reallly taught me what friendship really is. Certainly….this wouldn’t have happened without help from GOD the almighty.
Now….it has been more than two years since it happened. I started my life all over again, restructured it to the best form of my life, hopefully I learnt much, hopefully I can be a more mature and better person.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Healthy Lifestyle…Why Not….
Living healthy and staying healthy…why not. Most People never realize how precious being healthy is, not until we get sick or weak. Talking about healthy lifestlye, every one has different lifestyle.
So…what’s actually lifestyle??? How do you define it??? to me lifestyle is how people treats his/her own life. I used to have a very unhealthy lifestyle, staying up all nite, smoking cigarette (eventhough I am only a social smoker), drinking alcohol, not having any exercise, not having enough rest, eating junk food, etc….Now I am trying so hard to have a healthy lifestyle. I feel the need to balance my life. Our body is not a machine, it needs rest and relaxation. sometimes we feel that we don’t have any energy left after working long hours for those who work and studying for students or maybe both working and studying like me. so the question what do we do to keep our body fit??
Getting involved in a health / fitness club could be considered one step to having a healthy lifestyle. That’s exactly what I am going to do. eventhoug i used to be a member of some heath clubs but bener relly last long, I would say it’s "on and off" well it’s on for one week and off for three years LOL…..
"Mensana Inkorporesano" (not sure if the spelling is correct) which means healthy mind comes from healthy body. I very much agree with this. Having a healthy body will give us positive energy that can stimulate our mind to do positive things which is called positive mental attidute. We don’t want to destroy what we built, as we don’t want to destroy the house that we built, the friendship that we built, in short we don’t want to deprave it.
Best Regards,
So…what’s actually lifestyle??? How do you define it??? to me lifestyle is how people treats his/her own life. I used to have a very unhealthy lifestyle, staying up all nite, smoking cigarette (eventhough I am only a social smoker), drinking alcohol, not having any exercise, not having enough rest, eating junk food, etc….Now I am trying so hard to have a healthy lifestyle. I feel the need to balance my life. Our body is not a machine, it needs rest and relaxation. sometimes we feel that we don’t have any energy left after working long hours for those who work and studying for students or maybe both working and studying like me. so the question what do we do to keep our body fit??
Getting involved in a health / fitness club could be considered one step to having a healthy lifestyle. That’s exactly what I am going to do. eventhoug i used to be a member of some heath clubs but bener relly last long, I would say it’s "on and off" well it’s on for one week and off for three years LOL…..
"Mensana Inkorporesano" (not sure if the spelling is correct) which means healthy mind comes from healthy body. I very much agree with this. Having a healthy body will give us positive energy that can stimulate our mind to do positive things which is called positive mental attidute. We don’t want to destroy what we built, as we don’t want to destroy the house that we built, the friendship that we built, in short we don’t want to deprave it.
Best Regards,
Monday, October 13, 2008
When things don't turn out as we expected
Every one may have experienced thigs that had turned out not as we expected. what we should do? two coices between good and bad, negativity will start affectingthe way we think, now the question is how strong we are in being in control of those unwanted forces
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