Monday, February 21, 2011


Terus terang saya berusaha ngikutin proses pemilihan ketum PSSI periode 2011-2015, saya sendiri salah satu dari jutaan pencinta sepok bola di Indonesa (walo gak jago maen, kalo maen futsal 10 menit dah ngos2an abis, faktor U kali hehe) dan memendam impian suatu saat PSSI bisa dikeloala secara profesional dan dipipimpin oleh orang yg KREDIBEL & BERINTEGRITAS. dan bukan dengan orang yg kepercayaan publiknya udah gak ada dan integritasnya SANGAT diragukan seperti NURDIN HALID. We want a leader who is CLEAN dan gak pernah terlibat kasus korupsi, apalagi mantan narapidana seperti NH nauzzubillah, yes kalo pun dia punya hak buat negebersihiin namanya dan pengen berbakti buat negaranya monggo silahkan dan bisa melalui banyak cara yang lebih bermatabat, but pleaseeee tau malu dong kalo secara moral NH SANGAT TIDAK LAYAK untuk mencalonkan kembali jadi ketum PSSI.

Saya amat sangat geram denger penjelasan saudara Syarif Bastaman tadi di tvone and metro mengenai kenapa NH diloloskan dan AP & GT tdk diloloskan, bener2 sangat naif dan disgusting!

Dalam statuta fifa tertulis kalau “The members of the Executive Committee… must not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offence”. artinya anggota komite eksekutif tidak pernah dinyakatakan bersalah atas suatu tindakan kriminal. kalo dari grammar atau tata bahasanya 'must not have been' merupakan bentuk keharusan dalam bentuk lampau & passive (red,must not be..dalam bentuk present) dan diikuti/dikuatkan oleh kata 'previously' yg artinya sebelumnya. jadi maksut kalimat diatas sangat jelas angota eksekutif harus tdk pernah (dahulu/sebelumnya apalagi sekarang) bersalah atas suatu tindakan kriminal.

Namun di Statuta milik PSSI isinya berubah menjadi “Anggota Komite Eksekutif… harus tidak sedang dinyatakan bersalah atas suatu tindakan kriminal pada saat kongres serta berdomisili di wilayah Indonesia”. Kalau ini diterjemahkan balik kedalam bahasa inggris akan menjadi 'The members of the executive committee..must not be being found guilty of criminal offense at the time of congress and also must reside in Indonesia. dalam hal ini kata sedang dalam bahasa ingris nya unutk kalimat passivenya diikuti kata being .

Sementara syarat apa yang tidak dipenuhi AP dan GT ? Soal yang syarat lima tahun terlibat di sepakbola itu keduanya sudah. dan sekali lagi tim seleksi mengitrepretasikan dengan tdk fair yg intinya harus yg dalam naungan PSSI. lahh kalau kita ingin melakukan reformasi dan perbaikan dah orang yg kredible ada di luar pssi so what???

Jelas sekali komite seleksi yang diketuai oleh Syarif Bastaman berlaku tidak fair dan telah melukai para pencinta sepak bola.

Melaui "Save Our Soccer" pencinta sepak bola seluruh Indonesia mari kita dukung reformasi PSSI dan bersihkan dari praktik2 KKN, amin


Sunday, February 21, 2010

48 Hr polemic on MarioTeguhMTGW's posting on Twitter about A Woman to Plan to Marry

Saya yakin sepenuh hati saya, bahwa yg diniatkan oleh pak Mario adalah suatu kebaikan bagi sebanyak banyaknya orang terutama yang megikuti layanan melalaui media jejaring sosial. Dan saya juga percaya sebaik baiknya manusia pernah melakukan kehilafan.

Saya termasuk orang yang setia mendengarkan petuah2 pak mario jauh sebelum siar di telivisi melalui program di radio yg saya prioritaskan sebagain penyemangat di pagi hari di setiap perjalanan saya ke kantor. Saya sudah berharap bahwa proram pak Mario selayaknya ada di layar televisi dan meyakini acara tesebut akan dicintai banyak pemirsa di sepenjuru Inodnesia ini. Harapan saya menjadi kenyataan, prorgam Tv di O'channel dan metro tv menjadi banyak pilihan di banyak pemirsa.

Sesungguhnya apa yg menjadi polemik 48 jam terkhir adalah suatu common sense yg bersifat umum yg tidak perlu dipertentangkan. sebagai contoh seharusnya manusia tidak mencuri. memang seharusnya begitu, tapi pada kenyataanya banyak manusia yang mecuri, dan kita tidak bisa membuat orang tidak mencuri tapi kita bisa menyadarkan mereka untuk tidak mencuri. semoga kebaikan bapak terus mengalir dan menginsprirasi sebanyak banyaknya orang. akhir kata saya ingin menyampaikan apresiasi yang setinggi tingginya atas tindakan langsung dan nyata terhadap ketidak nyamanan para fans dan follower melalui permintaan maaf secara terbuka dan memikul tanggug jawab sepenuhnya terhadap sesuatu yang bapak niatkan untuk kebaikan kita semua.

Salam Super

Arief Rasyad

Monday, July 20, 2009

What's on terrorits' mind??

Beberapa hari terakhir we've all been fed with breaking news about the recent bombsings di marriot and Ritz carlton. Berbagai spekulasi bermunculan perihal siapa pelaku bomb dan motifya dibalik pemboman tersebut. Gw sendiri sempet beberapa kali tepatnya 3 kali ke lokasi ngeliat langsung paska pemboman di daerah kuningan. gak pelak lagi disekitar daerah situ berjejer mobil and motor pasrkir disekitar area and tujuanya cm satu pengen tau and ngeliat langsung crime scene alias TKPnya and gak lupa sambil foto2 disekitar area situ.

Gw juga tanpa terkecuali ikutan mikir and ask myself a question "what the hell's on terrorists' mind?" dan coba mereka-reka apa yah yg bikin mereka begitu tega ngelakuin ini semua, gak mungkin mereka ngelakuin tanpa sebab and "ngebunuhin" orang2 yang gak berdosa. Gw njuga coba menghubungkan kelompok2 terrorist kelompok Nurdin M Top, dan kemungkinan adanya kelompok-kelompok lain yang bermain or gw juga coba mengubungkan dengan kekisruhan politik paska pileg and pilpres seperti yg disinyalir sm sby tapi tetep kok tega banget yahhhh

Selepas reformasi 4/5 taun terakhir gw ngerasa Indonesia udah mulai menggeliat lagi dr keterpurukan ekonomi dan citra buruk terhadap keamanan akibat pemboman di Bali, kedubes Australia dand beberapa pemboman terdahulu. gw inget banget setiap gw denger orang asing ngomong kesanya Indonesia gak aman bgt, dan I thanked God cause I thought it's over, belom lagi begitu banyaknya bencana alam mulai dari tsunami di aceh hingga tragedi jebolnya situ Gintung, gila bgt pilu gw tiap kali ngeliat and inget lagi kejadan waktu itu walo gw sendiri gak langsung ngalamin itu.

Apa mungkin ada pendekatan lain ke para terrroris so mereka gak bakalan beraksi lagi??? kadang gw inget ilmu managemen in problem solving that kita kudu tau root causenya dulu alias akar permasalahanya or apa yg jadi penyebab para teroris ngelakuin ini semua. Mungkin kalo kita berbicara Arganistan and Irak dan beberapa negara lain kita tau sebabnya kenapa para martyr or mujahid rela menyerahkan jiwa raga mereka, itu dikarenakan sikap menentang mereka terhadap apa yng dilakukan kaum zionis Israel terhadap sodara2 kita di Palestina, tapi kalo di Indonesia apa??? kita sekarang udah berada di jaman reformasi, kalo pas reformasi awal bergulir taun 97/98 kita mungkin bilang "status Quo" yang menjadi dalang kerusuhan yg ada nah kalo sekarang???

Pastinya siapapun itu tidakan yg dilakukan teroris gak bisa dibenarkan what ever the reasons is, dan pastinya yg ngelakuin ini semua kelompok yg gak pengen ngeliat Indonesia aman dan mungkin inigin"ngerebut kekuasaan" dr pemerintah sekarang, atau bahasa politiknya bahaya laten dr kalangan internal Indonesia sendiri, mungkin kelompok ini yg tdak menginginkan negara NKRI tetap jaya or mungkinkan ini dari kelompok NII yang sampe sekarang masih ada dan bisa dibilang banyak sekali pengikutnya baik di daerah daerah maupun di kota kota besar. Para anggota mereka telah di "brainwash" sedemikian rupa kalo mereka tetep tidak menginginkan NKRI dan ingin mendirikan NII tersebut, wallahhu alam...

What's on my mind right now that it's gonna take a long time to recover, to gain trust pastinya ini tugas yg lumayan berat bgt buat pemerintahan mendatang, gw cuma bisa berdoa agar kita bangsa kita terbebas dr bom bom di masa datang, gw berharap masyarakat dunia bisa lebih "melek" so berhenti menindas sodara-sodara kita di palestina yg merupakan rook cause terjadinya pergolakan di beebrapa belahan dunia, gw berharap ini juga bisa jadi tegoran langsung dari Allah SWT terhadap kezaliiman umat manusia terhadap dunia yang diamanahkan kepada umat manusia.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Is it what’s called Democracy??

Every five year Indonesia holds a general election or commonly said as pesta demokrasi or democracy celebration. All parties are busy with all preparation towards the election. There are almost 40 parties which compete one another, some are old parties from the old & new order and some are new parties which were just established a year or two years ago. Basically there are two general elections, one is legislative election and the other one is presidential election.
The old parties like Golkar, PPP & PDIP have certainly more experiences than new parties, especially Golkar which was the ruling party in the era of the new order, the era which had brought Indonesia to not only dictatorship but also as the most corrupt country in the world which is very pathetic. Indonesia citizens especially those who were members of KOPRI were “forced” to vote for the ruling party. Golkar always defeated the other two parties with majority seats in parliament. It really didn’t portray democracy at all, one would rather keep silent than speak up and end up in jail. And I would say that there was no use to even hold the general election if one could not vote as he/she wished.

There are crucial changes which had occurred after the reform took place in 1998, now people are more open to speak up, they’re no longer worried of being caught or put in jail by the government. The myth of being silenced has been broken. And the new political system took in place; people are urged to be more active in the world of politics. New parties and new political figures emerged, some just emerged from nowhere, and suddenly there were many heroes who wanted to be involved in politics and to determine the new Indonesia for years ahead. It sounds like a good thing but not all of them were capable and competent enough, they should have asked themselves why they wanted to play the role, they should have done it because they knew they were capable and do it for the sake of the people and nation.

The domination of Golkar doesn’t seem to continue, Golkar won in the legislative election in 2004, but now in 2009 legislative election, it’s likely to be only number 3 after PDIP and Democratic Party. And among all parties only about 10 parties have reached parliamentary threshold, people should now be aware that there are too many parties involved and it’s just too confusing to most people, why not make major coalitions among those small parties which have the same vision and platform and do more educating activities toward the real democracy and not to mention the money used for the campaign and the cost for selecting all legislators. We should be sad seeing hundreds or thousands of people wanting to be caleg or legislators and willing to spend hundreds of millions or even sold their houses and assets so that they could use it for campaign, well I am not saying that one must not want to be a legislator but doing it for the wrong reasons and is only tempted to have a high earning is something all should avoid.

Unlike developed countries like in USA people are already mature enough in doing politics but here we still see many people are mobilized to gather in mass campaigns and the sad thing is they gather not because they understand about what is all about or want to listen to the vision of the party but because they hope for small money promised by a party or caleg if not for the small money then they gather because they know there will be dangdut music show. It’s really not educating at all but that’s the reality which still happens in Indonesia.

In real democracy countries, people vote with reasons, people vote because they want to, and people use his/her right without intimidation and force, the system is already well organized but still people can choose not to use his/her right without a threat. The more people participating in the election indicates the success of the election, of course all the elements play its role in making it happen peacefully, the election commission works hand in hand with the government and other related bodies such as election supervisory agency and other private agencies which help monitor the smooth process of the election, hopefully the coming presidential election will be better. Let’s hope for better Indonesia, let’s hope for better world.

-ARRASY- 10 April 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

World’s euphoria

Tonight at Indonesia time is the time where US president-elect Barack Hussein Obama to be inaugurated. Obama is said to be the first black American president who will lead America for the next four years. Obama is the first African-American who will be the top highest official in America. Who is Obama and why he is so popular not only in America but also around the word which includes Indonesia.

Obama’s father Barrack Hussein Obama Sr comes from poor Muslim family in Kenya, Africa where as his mother Anne Dunham is from Wichita, Kansas. After the divorce with his father his mother was remarried with Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. Obama spent his childhood for e few years in Jakarta and his friends used to call him as Barry. And after the death of his mother he was raised by his grandmother Madelyn Dunham. People have known Obama for the first time when he gave speech in Democratic national convention(DNC) back in 2004. He was also nominated as the most influencing people in the world (Time magazine, 2005) who was believed to be able to change the world, and as people of the year (Rolling stone magazine 2004). His candidacy from the Democratic Party got supports from most of American people and of course from Indonesia too. His step sister Maya Soetoro Ng with no exception gave full support to him. Besides Obama has written two very successful memoirs, they are “Dreams from My Father” (1995) and “The Audacity of Hope” (2006). In his second book he wrote about his political aspiration enriched with unexpected literature writing style that amazed many readers.

I’ve been following Obama’s journey so far, his speeches have inspired many people in America and the world. He seems to be talking with his heart. Without a shadow of doubts he has become a new hope for new America, hope for a change, and hope for a better world. But there are also some people who are pessimistic about dreams and hopes he has promised.

But still the optimism outweighs the pessimism. So will Obama be able to realize his promises? That’s the question most people have in mind.

America’s image has been bad especially since Bush’s administration; will Obama be able to change it? America’s foreign policy on Israel-Palestine has been on Israel side, will Obama be able to be fairer? America’s troops have been in Iraq interfering too much on Iraqi’s internal affair, Will Obama keep his words to withdraw America’s troops from Iraq the day he becomes president? Economic crisis that has hit America for the past few months, will Obama be able to restore the economic condition? Islam has been likened to so-called terrorist, will Obama be able to differentiate between the two and make it clear to the rest of the world? Those are the questions that not only need to be answered but also to be proved. Last but not least CONTRATULATION OBAMA the world is watching over you, God bless You, God bless USA, God bless The Palestine, God bless the World


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What happened to the world?

Hundreds or maybe thousands of people died in Gaza

The Israeli bombarded the Palestinian without mercy

People got killed

Kids and women with no exception

The Israeli brutality is still going on

We see this happening right now and the world can do nothing about it

What happened to the world?

The Western nations are good friends of Israel

America is the best among others

They often claim themselves to be very concerned about human right

They always talk out loud when the human right gets violated

When Iraq invaded Kuwait

When Iran tested its nuclear weapons

When Hamas won the election in the Palestine

When bombs exploded in Bali

When people of Afghanistan supported Osama Bin Laden

But they speak no words when Israel did aggression to the Palestine

They speak no words when Israel ignore the world’s warning to cease fire

They speak no words when Israel turned against United Nation’s resolution

They try hard to justify the deeds of the Israeli

They put the blame on Hamas for launching rocket bombs

They wouldn’t care much with the fate of the Palestinians

They wouldn’t care much if they hurt Muslim’s heart for what Israel did

What happened to world?

Today is the 18th day of the Israeli aggression to the Palestine

More than 900 people died including 300 children and women

What an expensive cost the innocent Palestinians have to pay

Will we just let it happen to our brothers in the Palestine?

For it’s clear they are being tortured and killed

Will we still need to have a talk with the Zionist Israel?

For it’s clear they started the war

Will we just send prayers without taking the real action against Israel?

For it’s clear the Palestinians needs food, medicines, and logistics

Why don’t we Muslims around the world get united and give help to our bothers in the Palestine

Why are we busy collecting aids while it’s backup they urgently need, back up for soldiers or syuhada, back up for weapons and ammunitions

For it’s clear the Zionist Israeli has more weapons and cavalries than the Palestinians

What happened to the world?


Friday, January 2, 2009

Being Single

I think there would be no difference of being single for guys and girls or men and women. Being single can be heaven or hell for both guys and girls. but I would say human beings need to have company, no one on earth really wants to be single, if there were people who chose to be single, there's gotta be reasons behind it. I met a lot of single guys and girls who keep saying that they are so happy with what they are now (being single) I am pretty sure deep in their heart they are not, well maybe occasionally I should agree that they are, but not if we talk about being single as human beings in general. They have been crying until no tears left, but they don't want to show that in public that they are, they don't want to look sad all the times. The point I am trying to say is they are tired of showing others about their sad feelings, and they always wish they will have and live with their partners until they die.
So if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, who are still single. Keep the faith, keep searching, your soul mate is out there waiting for you so don’t give up. But remember the true one is the one that stays with you even when you're at the lowest. Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It’s not how much you have in the beginning. But how much u love till the end. Love is one, not one in a million, not one of a kind, when you find true love with someone, there is only one. God bless you, God bless us, God bless single people :)