Tonight at Indonesia time is the time where US president-elect Barack Hussein Obama to be inaugurated. Obama is said to be the first black American president who will lead America for the next four years. Obama is the first African-American who will be the top highest official in America. Who is Obama and why he is so popular not only in America but also around the word which includes Indonesia.
Obama’s father Barrack Hussein Obama Sr comes from poor Muslim family in Kenya, Africa where as his mother Anne Dunham is from Wichita, Kansas. After the divorce with his father his mother was remarried with Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. Obama spent his childhood for e few years in Jakarta and his friends used to call him as Barry. And after the death of his mother he was raised by his grandmother Madelyn Dunham. People have known Obama for the first time when he gave speech in Democratic national convention(DNC) back in 2004. He was also nominated as the most influencing people in the world (Time magazine, 2005) who was believed to be able to change the world, and as people of the year (Rolling stone magazine 2004). His candidacy from the Democratic Party got supports from most of American people and of course from Indonesia too. His step sister Maya Soetoro Ng with no exception gave full support to him. Besides Obama has written two very successful memoirs, they are “Dreams from My Father” (1995) and “The Audacity of Hope” (2006). In his second book he wrote about his political aspiration enriched with unexpected literature writing style that amazed many readers.
I’ve been following Obama’s journey so far, his speeches have inspired many people in America and the world. He seems to be talking with his heart. Without a shadow of doubts he has become a new hope for new America, hope for a change, and hope for a better world. But there are also some people who are pessimistic about dreams and hopes he has promised.
But still the optimism outweighs the pessimism. So will Obama be able to realize his promises? That’s the question most people have in mind.
America’s image has been bad especially since Bush’s administration; will Obama be able to change it? America’s foreign policy on Israel-Palestine has been on Israel side, will Obama be able to be fairer? America’s troops have been in Iraq interfering too much on Iraqi’s internal affair, Will Obama keep his words to withdraw America’s troops from Iraq the day he becomes president? Economic crisis that has hit America for the past few months, will Obama be able to restore the economic condition? Islam has been likened to so-called terrorist, will Obama be able to differentiate between the two and make it clear to the rest of the world? Those are the questions that not only need to be answered but also to be proved. Last but not least CONTRATULATION OBAMA the world is watching over you, God bless You, God bless USA, God bless The Palestine, God bless the World