Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ill Feeling

Have you ever had an ill feeling to some one??? Maybe you have or you haven’t… basically no body really wants to have such a feeling, but for some reasons sometimes it just happens. That kind of feeling might happen against our friends, our boss, our relatives, even our families.

What actually make us have an ill feeling to somebody??? The causes may vary, from the way someone speaks, laughs, dresses, treats us, from someone’s characters such as too snobbish or arrogant, too confident, too humble or modest, too fussy, from someone’s look or physics such as ugly, scary, beggy, too short/tall, bad hairstyle, smelly, etc. those things I just mentioned are the most common and because of that we are not comfortable being with that someone we have an ill feeling with. Now the question is…do you think it’s normal as human beings to have an ill feeling???? Sure you’ve ever heard these phrases “ Muka siy cakep eh pas dia ngomong bikin ill feel tau gak” “Ill feel neh gw ngeliat tampang dia, cabut yuk”

Ok…we know sometimes just small things can make us have ill feeling to somebody. So…how to avoid us from having such a feeling?


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